Wolverhampton Steam Festival - By Adrian Reynolds

Photography By - Adrian Reynolds
Firstly we had 54 foot of table space!!! By far the most space we have at any show though the year. As you can see the models were protected by some handy barriers though some little urchin did manage to get through on the Saturday! On display was a nice mixture of figures, armour, aircraft of all ages and a few sci-fi models, all filling the huge space in what I felt was a truly great display from our club. The weather was really good on both days and the crowds turned out in style, been there for just the Sunday and my first visit I was told that after the gates opened there would be a constant stream of people and boy they weren't wrong. Friendly banter was abound by all the stands in the marque and the visitors joined in and were asking varied questions regarding the models on display. Our show leaflets were very popular and some of the people were surprised to find out how close they were to the club itself, it seems very likely we'll get some new faces in the coming months. Out from the marque there were various areas and displays to browse, including a fire brigade team showing how they deal with RTA's, classic cars, model boats on the lake and lots of steam engines moving around the park, although I was told it was part of my initiation to go do the native American Indian war dancing I managed to escape in a timely fashion. On a personal note it may not be a good idea to mention the name Ironman anywhere near the ladies Shirley & Pauline as each time the children saw the figures they would scream his name out, funny the first few times but after what must have been 50 occasions I'm sure the ladies felt like removing him! The entire day was very enjoyable and I'm sure we made many new friends that will come seek us out at future shows and events.