Winter Trip up North

Show Report by Graham Taylor
Saturday 9th February, saw myself, JT, Pauline and Shirley heading up the M42 and the M1 to the city of Nottingham. A little snowy on the morning, but not enough to fret about.
We were attending the MAFVA "open day" meeting, which was held in a very comfortable community room at Highfields Fire Station in Beeston.
A different format from usual, was used for this get together, as the exhibition tables were all pushed against the walls, with everybody sitting in front of the tables, rather than being traditionally behind them. This encouraged visitors to mingle, or sit wherever they pleased. With a set of tables and seating in the centre of the room for the consumption of food, drink or just a chat, it meant there was a convivial atmosphere throughout the day.
A lovely food and drink buffet, was put on by the ladies for the day, with plenty of goodies to tempt the taste buds, including some great cake!
A themed competition was run throughout the day, this being, "turreted vehicles" with the top 3 being awarded bronze, silver and gold "Little Willys". Before you ask, they were gearwheel shaped medals.
Why Little Willys? Well, embossed on each medal, was a Little Willy tank, which of course prompted such comments as, "how many willys have you got", and, "what colour is your willy."Other comments were noted, but i won't put those into print!!
We all had a relaxed , chatty, and thoroughly enjoyable day, courtesy of our hosts from Notts MAFVA, so thanks to all for making us so welcome, and for the invite to return next year.
Please enjoy the photographs below this report, with the first 7 being of our club display, and the rest are of one's I liked from around the room.
We were attending the MAFVA "open day" meeting, which was held in a very comfortable community room at Highfields Fire Station in Beeston.
A different format from usual, was used for this get together, as the exhibition tables were all pushed against the walls, with everybody sitting in front of the tables, rather than being traditionally behind them. This encouraged visitors to mingle, or sit wherever they pleased. With a set of tables and seating in the centre of the room for the consumption of food, drink or just a chat, it meant there was a convivial atmosphere throughout the day.
A lovely food and drink buffet, was put on by the ladies for the day, with plenty of goodies to tempt the taste buds, including some great cake!
A themed competition was run throughout the day, this being, "turreted vehicles" with the top 3 being awarded bronze, silver and gold "Little Willys". Before you ask, they were gearwheel shaped medals.
Why Little Willys? Well, embossed on each medal, was a Little Willy tank, which of course prompted such comments as, "how many willys have you got", and, "what colour is your willy."Other comments were noted, but i won't put those into print!!
We all had a relaxed , chatty, and thoroughly enjoyable day, courtesy of our hosts from Notts MAFVA, so thanks to all for making us so welcome, and for the invite to return next year.
Please enjoy the photographs below this report, with the first 7 being of our club display, and the rest are of one's I liked from around the room.