October 2015
Saturday 4th October saw our monthly meet of club members which was well attended. The main topics of discussion was the breakdown of Club show and the coming show, Scale Model World in November. Overall the club show was a big success and the club would like to thank everyone who helped out, attended and make the show really successful as a whole. With the club also celebrating its 50th year a display was set up and photographed by our club member James Whalen at the meet to keep a record of our mile stone achievement as a club. There was a good attendance of models on display from members, also with some also actually doing some model building at the club to pass the time and show others what they are working on. We'd also like to welcome our new member Rob, who joined us for the first time this month we hope you had a nice day and made some new friends who share the same passion for model building. ASVC- IPMS Wombourne will be at Scale Model World next month but we'd also like to announce club will also meet as normal as it clashes with SMW. Photo's have been attached of various club members builds they have been completed and brought to the meet this month. The display of what model building was like 50 years ago with various kits, and some also the club when it was first started. Lastly the photo of the youngest member Jaymes Crowther and oldest member Les Bouts posed in front of the club display.
Saturday 4th October saw our monthly meet of club members which was well attended. The main topics of discussion was the breakdown of Club show and the coming show, Scale Model World in November. Overall the club show was a big success and the club would like to thank everyone who helped out, attended and make the show really successful as a whole. With the club also celebrating its 50th year a display was set up and photographed by our club member James Whalen at the meet to keep a record of our mile stone achievement as a club. There was a good attendance of models on display from members, also with some also actually doing some model building at the club to pass the time and show others what they are working on. We'd also like to welcome our new member Rob, who joined us for the first time this month we hope you had a nice day and made some new friends who share the same passion for model building. ASVC- IPMS Wombourne will be at Scale Model World next month but we'd also like to announce club will also meet as normal as it clashes with SMW. Photo's have been attached of various club members builds they have been completed and brought to the meet this month. The display of what model building was like 50 years ago with various kits, and some also the club when it was first started. Lastly the photo of the youngest member Jaymes Crowther and oldest member Les Bouts posed in front of the club display.